Your actions after an auto accident will go a long way toward maximizing financial compensation and winning your case. But when that accident occurs on private property rather than a public road, things can be more complicated. 

What should you do to protect yourself in the aftermath of your accident? Here are a few of the most important.

1. Check for Cameras

Private property may or may not have cameras that could help prove who was at fault. Many commercial properties do have cameras, so check around the area. However, even private homes increasingly have doorbell and motion detector cameras for home security. 

2. Obtain Witness Information

Any time you're involved in an accident, try to get contact information from any witnesses who may have seen what happened. On public roads, this is often fairly easy as more people are around. But private property may be very quiet or not visible from public areas. 

When you do look for witnesses, look for those who aren't connected to the owner or possessor of the property. You're more likely to have to deal with biased witnesses on private land. 

3. Take Photos of the Area

Another universal piece of advice is to take photos of the damage after an accident. However, it's just as important to take photos and videos of the area around the collision. This can give vital information about the conditions — including things like weather as well as potential negligence by the property owner. 

4. Call the Police

You may not be required to contact the police for an accident on private property. Certainly, if there are injuries or a serious driving infraction (like drunk driving) may have occurred, be sure to call law enforcement. 

However, a trained police officer can be a big help even if no laws were technically violated. The useful information recorded in police reports means you don't have to rely on your own memory. 

5. Find Out the Owner

One big difference between private and public property accidents is that private parties generally own the former. So it's highly likely that you'll need to pursue compensation from that owner and/or their insurance carrier if there is any possibility of negligence. 

Ideally, find out the legal owner, any possessors or tenants, and their insurance carrier just like you would the other driver's information. 

Where to Start

Whether your accident just occurred or some time has passed, now is the time to get help protecting yourself and your case. Call a personal injury law firm in your state such as Jeeves Law Group, P.A. to learn more.
