When filing a personal injury lawsuit in Nevada, there are many laws that you need to be aware of. Some of these may be pretty self-explanatory, but some can be pretty unintuitive as well. To help you get a better idea of how to build your case, here are a couple specific laws that you will need keep in mind:

Comparative Negligence

First of all, you want to be aware of how your responsibility will impact your case. If you were partially to blame for your injuries, then you will get less money than you asked for. This is often done proportionally, which means that you will lose 20% of your compensation if the court finds that you were 20% responsible for your injuries.

When planning out your damage claims, you might need to take this percentage into account. You might need $100,000 to cover your bills, but if you were 10% to blame, then you would only end up getting $90,000. In order to still get that full $100,000, you should instead file for $110,000, to compensate for comparative negligence.

This law varies depending on the state you live in, but the most important distinction shows up when you bear more than half the responsibility for your injuries. In that case, you may lose out on any potential compensation.

In other words, you want to be very careful about whether the other party can prove that you bear more than half the responsibility. If they do have such evidence, then you might want to think twice about a personal injury lawsuit, since it could end up costing you money in legal fees and winning you nothing.

"One Bite" Rule

When it comes to dog bites, there are two main stances that states take. Some states say that a dog owner essentially gets a free pass on the first dog bite, since they didn't know that their dog was dangerous. As a result, you cannot sue someone for a dog bite if you were the first person that this dog bit.

Other states say that the owner should be responsible for all damages, even if it was the first bite. In these states, you can sue someone for any dog bite, except in cases where you were trespassing.

Nevada falls into the first category. If you want to file a dog bite lawsuit in Nevada, then you need to prove that the owner knew that their dog was dangerous, because if they did not know, then you will not have a very successful lawsuit.

If you are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to counsel with a lawyer who is familiar with your state's particular laws and policies. If you are in South Dakota, contact a law firm like King Law Firm to know how these policies might be different for your state.
